Surfer catching a wave underwater

Midwinter is pleased to introduce some significant enhancements to the help and support system in AdviceOS, including the incorporation of an Artificial Intelligence assistant that has been trained on the complete knowledgebase.

This launch marks a pivotal moment as Midwinter pioneers a new era, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology to help you find the answers you need to help unlock the full potential of AdviseOS.

The AdviceOS help and support system will elevate your experience in finding answers to your questions, help you keep up to date with new features, and train new team members. These features are designed to boost your efficiency and help you harness the full potential of AdviceOS.

Key features include:

1. Comprehensive Onboarding Checklist: A user-friendly guide designed to seamlessly navigate new users through the setup process, ensuring they possess all the essential tools to hit the ground running.

2. Guided Product Tours: End-to-end demonstrations that walk users through AdviceOS’s multifaceted functionalities. These guided tours are designed to deepen your understanding and optimise your use of the software.

3. Digital Bulletin Board: Stay informed with the latest Midwinter updates, announcements, and changes. The digital bulletin board serves as a centralised hub for crucial information, encompassing new features, product enhancements, legislative changes, or system outages – empowering advisers with swift access to vital updates.

4. Artificial Intelligence assistant for instant support: Integration of an AI assistant for prompt and accurate support via a chat interface. No more searching through extensive documentation or waiting for responses – the AI assistant is there to assist with any queries.

5. Resource Library: Access a comprehensive resource library offering a wealth of how-to articles and video tutorials. This invaluable repository empowers users with the knowledge and guidance needed to optimise their experience with AdviceOS.

As we usher in this new era of enhanced functionality, AdviceOS stands ready to revolutionise the user experience, providing financial professionals with a powerful toolkit to navigate the system seamlessly. We invite you to explore the limitless possibilities that await within AdviceOS. As always, we welcome your feedback.

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