Back in March we provided an update to our users on changes to the way SMS messages are sent through AdviceOS. Effective 1 April 2024, users sending SMS messages through AdviceOS will be required to verify their mobile numbers.

This one-time verification process is crucial to ensuring that only authorised individuals can use the platform for SMS communication, providing enhanced security measures for your clients and preventing spam messaging. If you haven’t yet authorised your mobile phone, you may see warning messages in AdviceOS indicating that these messages will fail.

To ensure no interruption in SMS messaging to your clients, verify your mobile phone number in AdviceOS today by navigating to your User Configuration or by following the detailed instructions on our knowledgebase. The process is a two-factor authentication and should take less than a minute to complete.

Key Changes

  1. Verification Requirement
    Starting April, users sending SMS messages through AdviceOS will be required to verify their mobile numbers. This one-time verification process is crucial to ensuring that only authorised individuals can use the platform for SMS communication. Re-verification will be necessary every 12 months to maintain the integrity of the system.
  2. Enhanced Security Measures
    When sending an SMS message after the verification process, users will receive a unique verification code on their registered mobile numbers. To confirm the validity of their mobile numbers, users will be prompted to enter this code in AdviceOS. This enhanced security measure aims to prevent unauthorised access and misuse of the SMS messaging system.
  3. Preventing Spam
    The primary objective of these changes is to align with industry standards and reduce the occurrence of spam messages. Unsolicited and potentially harmful messages not only inconvenience recipients but also pose a risk to the reputation of businesses. The verification process is a proactive step towards maintaining the integrity of SMS communication and ensuring a positive user experience.

User Guidance

Detailed instructions on how to complete the mobile number verification process will be provided closer to the implementation date in April. Users are encouraged to follow these instructions diligently to ensure a seamless transition to the enhanced SMS messaging system in AdviceOS.

We understand these changes may require some adjustment; they are deemed essential to uphold industry standards and guarantee the continued effectiveness of SMS communication. By staying proactive and implementing these security measures, AdviceOS aims to create a more secure and reliable platform for both senders and recipients of SMS messages.

We appreciate your cooperation in adapting to these updates, and detailed assistance will be provided to facilitate a smooth transition.

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