Meeting with handshake

We’re pleased to announce that the CFS Edge platform is now available in AdviceOS.

An important aspect of this integration is the Accelerate Series of managed accounts, one of the innovative features of the CFS Edge platform. We have incorporated the customised fee calculations for the Accelerate series, helping ensure a simple and accurate process for advisers.

Along with this launch, data feeds for CFS Edge should also be available in AdviceOS soon. This means advisers and practices will be able access their clients’ holding and transaction data, facilitating the production of advice documents for client reviews.

With this integration, advisers can leverage the capabilities of CFS Edge within the familiar interface of AdviceOS.

For more information on the CFS Edge platform, please visit this webpage, or to enable data feeds in AdviceOS, please contact our support team.

We encourage you to explore this new feature and experience firsthand how it can transform and simplify your workflow. As always, your feedback is invaluable as we strive to evolve and improve AdviceOS.

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