Insurance Module

Compare insurance policies and determine the best insurance product for your client while also meeting your best interests duty.
The Insurance module helps you quickly run comprehensive insurance comparisons and analysis.
Needs Analysis
Midwinter’s Needs Analysis tool helps you easily calculate a recommended life, TPD, trauma and income protection insurance level for your clients.
Using Needs Analysis you can access insurance data (premiums and features) based on the insurance products selected, including comparisons and charts outlining the benefits of each product.
Insurance Comparison
Compare features and pricing of insurance products in real time with the powerful Insurance Comparison feature.
With the Insurance Comparison you can analyse the differences between policies and calculate the premiums to help rationalise costs versus features. This is designed to improve and simplify your overall decision-making process and the accuracy of quotes when it comes to identifying best-fit insurance products for clients.
Midwinter uses Omnium for insurance comparison data.
Insurance Comparison integrates directly with the CRM and Fact Find to populate client details, and with the Needs Analysis tool to provide tailored recommendations and generate an SoA.