Total Portfolio Analysis

Total Portfolio Analysis allows you to perform comprehensive like-for-like comparison and projections across superannuation, pension and investment portfolios, all in one place.

This reduces the time required to run a true like-for-like comparison, while supporting compliance with an adviser’s best interests duty.

Total Portfolio Analysis is available as part of the Product Module in AdviceOS.


  1. Perform a comparison analysis across all of your clients’ portfolios, including entities, in one place.
  2. Comprehensive product comparisons and projections across superannuation, pension and investment products.
  3. Add and delete platforms and options.
  4. Perform advanced option such as delete platforms in bulk and copy platforms.
  5. Select model portfolios.
  6. Show all assets or filter by structure.
  7. Filter to show all or specific owners of portfolios.
  8. View a summary of asset allocation.
  9. Select trade restrictions (shares and investments that can be preferred or restricted for each client).
  10. Select relevant features.
  11. Compare fees.
  12. View gained and lost features based on the existing and recommended scenarios.
  13. View best interest matrix based on tradeoff between the fees and features in the different scenarios.
  14. Include multiple scenarios within in one analysis, and multiple alternative product recommendations.
  15. Produce and export portfolio reports showing an overview of platform changes and fees applied.
  16. Produce and export a report of the analysis of the portfolio based on a rebalance or a no change strategy.

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